Archivi tag: OWA

Exchange 2010 e Owa su http

configurando l’OWA in http su un Exchange 2010 SP2 e le relative impostazioni su IIS, dopo aver effettuato l’accesso può presentarsi tramite pop-up il seguente messaggio quando si clicca “su qualsiasi cosa”:

Your request couldn’t be completed. This may have occurred for security reasons or because your session timed out

Mentre se si accede in https tutto funziona regolarmente.

 Per risolvere:

“The solution is editing the web.config file and change the requireSSL=”true” to “false” , see the steps below :

  1. Find the Outlook Web App Web.config file on the Client Access server. The default location is <drive>Program FilesMicrosoftExchange Server<version>ClientAccessOwa.
  2. Make a backup copy of the file.
  3. Open the original file using an editor such as Notepad. Don’t use IIS Manager to edit the Web.config file.
  4. Find httpCookies httpOnlyCookies=”false” requireSSL=”true” domain=”” and change the requireSSL flag to false.
  5. Save and close the file.
  6. For the new settings to take effect, open a Command Prompt window, and then type iisreset /noforce to restart IIS.”
